Sunday, April 6, 2014

Well...I feel off the band wagon. Now time to pick my self up, and live again.

Ok satisfying as simple life may be it is hard work. Time for blogging came to an abrupt halt as I found joy's in a new job, responsibility, and family life that exploded my time clock. I once use to put time each week to writing and showing off how great we were doing. That has all but stopped since LAST YEAR! I am back and ready to recommit to my new and simple life. Chaos ensues when I stop writing my every failure and success.

So I will update and move ever forward in my quest for a new and simpler time in my lovely life.

I often thought of this journey as a fun and exciting adventure. How long could I keep it up? How would I change in doing so? My gardening skills have become somewhat better yet I am still learning just how to make things work for me. However, keeping up the skills has fallen by the way side as of late. Work, family and health issues have played a huge role in that fact.

     All my boys are growing up so fast. And they have their own lives they are living fully as we speak. Cole just finished his very first play and Jimmy is in the thralls of a play as well. Byron could be a champion Magick player at tournaments and he is starting to go to those with friends. Kanyon is learning still how to help and work but mostly play nice with others and Lykota is full of new curiosity and as a toddler just learning to walk has helped him gain that confidence to begin climbing the latter of life so to speak. All the boys have blossomed this year and I look forward to having their newly found skills to help me out as I progress and strive for this simple life yet again.

     Krik is doing well and showing all of us how stubborn he can be once in a while. He loves being the stay at home dad with the boys and working to keep them on the straight a narrow path. As life has happened in the last year I have fallen off the simple living skills. I find I want to buy more instead of make it from scratch. I want to "keep up with the jones" so to speak in one form or another. This has not lead to a total over reach of mind or body but has lead to a down fall on my behalf of peace and comfort.

     I spoke a new job I had. I no longer work for the prison. I work for Walden School of Liberal Arts instead. I am the Child Nutrition Director at the school. Directing and creating the program to fit Walden's needs and be a great school asset has been one of the the most challenging things I have ever done. I work hard, long hours to even get the kitchen up and running and now it is I am working hard days to keep the program from going under. My goal is to get all the board members to allow me to keep my job but keep running this as a Walden program and not another district type program. This is a balancing act that I am learning as I go. With very little background in this field I am surprised at how fast I have caught on to the ins and outs of the Federal Program(s) and rules and procedures I am mandated to stay up on. Training sessions every quarter helps me know what, when, where and how to run a successful program all the way around.

As far as myself being totally dedicated to that simple life I sought I must admit I slipped in ways. All the hours of working I found myself just wanting to buy things instead of make them. I wanted nice things in my life, things that others would value instead of me.
My thought process is flawed and I know this. I am now looking back and trying to figure out where and when those little thoughts crept in. All I can do now is move forward. I like my house looking eclectic if you will. I don't need the french country side to make me feel good. In fact, when I get newer stuff that has not been repurposed or created by me I don't feel that energetic attachment to it. I want to feel the energy in my home, not just look at pretty things. Things the boys created for me gives me great energy and I am finding even though it doesn't always fit with the pretty decor I have started to buy I love it more then the expensive stuff I have have because I feel it, not just see it.

Why do we need our homes to LOOK GOOD? I want my home to FEEL GOOD. I am finding in order to do that I must create or have purpose and function for it. Now clean house is different then a LOOK good house. I expect that my home is swept clean of dirt and filth, cupboards washed ect. But to Look good does not have to be new or pretty. It can be cluttered and look good as well. I love coming home to a cluttered house of toys and books scattered because Lykota has been exploring all around him. Playing and learning gives off an energy of accomplishment that only those messes can provide. I love coming home to a house filled with boys running around playing in the tree house and yard because they are creating games with in their limits and striving to learn about a world around them. those cluttered things can really play huge in my mind. Forts made of mountains of blankets, couches and chairs are great building blocks for my little ones to learn and form lasting relationships with each other. Clutter like this is my favorite decorations because I know they are learning.

I have never been accused of being OCD or controlling in my environment, Nor will I ever be accused of that on any level. I love that about myself. I love the fact that I can be me with out having to provide so much structure it is stifling to everyone around me. My laundry may not always be perfectly caught up, my house may never be in perfect order who cares? I don't And if I don't why should anyone else? As long as my children can learn in the environment I provide for them and they have their little things that keep them happy I am contented to be happy.

We have moved our bedroom from upstair's in our home to downstairs in our home. I had just finished decorating our bedroom upstair's when plan's changed somewhat abruptly. Then things fell through and we no longer have to stay down stairs. Yet I find myself drawn to it. Call it a new project or maybe just more space. I am going to do something I have never thought about doing and turning my upstairs room into Multi-purpose room with things I have wanted to have before. A guest room that also is an office and storage room for toys. My boys are getting older and toy's are not as important as they use to be. I have de-cluttered loving toys that are broken into the trash and now we have a few well like toys to have kids play with when they are hear. To be played with up in the main level of the home. Love this idea that I can watch my kids and grand kids play and not have to be away from the other adults to do it. Yet if my son from TX or sister from St. George want to stay here with us we have plenty of space to give them their Own room.

Ok so what is the plan from here on out. Weekly updates with picture's to keep me going on the wagon of this great satisfyingly simple life I want. Trying to down size and upsize things you get to make your comments as to what you think would work better in the spaces I have to work with. I am starting the garden also soon. So I will keep pictures of the yard and weekly updates to how things are progressing on our little homestead. Before and after to keep my energy in the right direction.

1 comment:

  1. It's hard when life gets in the way! Consistency is what I struggle with most in my own blogging! Great for you to take this time to refocus your energies on getting back to it!
