Thursday, December 1, 2011

Moving, Sorting and Nursing.

Well my family has endured some tough times these last two weeks. We also have embarked upon a new adventure. Moving into this home has proven to be more difficult than I was excepting.

Three things are happening here right now.
1st I have double of stuff. I get to pick and choose what I get rid of. How does one go about that? I have had to find which one is better or newer and keep this one. If I think that I can use two I keep them, If I have not used it in over 1 year I get rid of both of them.
I and Krik both have Toasters. My toaster is less than 1 year old. His toaster sometimes works and is old. I am getting rid of the older toaster. I will either donate it to charity or put it on to let someone have it.
I and Krik both have waffle irons. They are about the same age. They both work and I can make 4 waffles instead of 2 now. I am keeping both of them due to the fact it is a time saver.
I have cloths that are too big or too small right now. I have 1/2 the closet space and drawer space due to room constrains. I am getting rid of what I can not fit into or what I won't wear any longer.
Thus my size of stuff to put away dwindles down slowly. Ever so slowly.

I have lots of boxes and bags to get through. Krik went in for a triple bypass while we were moving. My ward boxed me up and moved my stuff into this new home. For this I am eternally greatful. I would have never been able to do it with out the help of Sister Hart and her organizational skills. She put together a crew of people and got me moved before my Dec 1 deadline. With out this help I would not have been able to get it all done. While I was sitting in the hospital with Krik, she and a host of other people were boxing up and moving my home for me and my family. I am leaving a wonderful ward. Mapleton 11th ward has a special place in my heart and in heaven. I know they do.

Now I am starting to go through boxes. I look out and feel overwhelmed at the amount I must get through. Krik's voice rings in my head as I look and have panic attacks. "How do you eat an elephant?" he ask's. "One bite at a time." is always his answer.

So I take one box set it out and empty it. That has been fine for the kitchen because I have space for everything in the kitchen. I have rearranged the kitchen 2 or 4 times but it is coming together well.
I run into problems when I get anywhere out side the kitchen.
The problem is in Mapleton I had a house that was built in the 1950's there were little cupboards everywhere. This house was built in that era , however with the renovation it has been updated and has very little storage space. I am going to keep looking on freecycle for free shelves because I am going to need them by the time we are through.
I have boxes of bathroom stuff in the hallway because there is no storage space in the bathroom. I have boxes in the sitting room because I have no idea where to put them. I am simplifying as we go. And if I don't have a "home" for an item but want to keep it I keep it in the box.

The sitting room isn't together yet either. It should have been the easiest room in the house. Just books and furniture how hard is that? Krik came home on Saturday and he is using this space for recovery. don't get me wrong I am so glad he his home and I am glad he is using it for recovery I just hate disturbing him while he rests to unpack the boxes around him.  So I forgo this activity until he is well or at least feeling better then the 1st week out of the hospital. He is in so much pain. He has good days and bad days. The first 3 days were great day's but these last two days have been hard. That is to be expected. He is walking and doing what the doctors have asked and told him to to recover. He is frustrated by his lack of ability to help during this move. I don't know how to help him other then to keep saying he is doing well enough just getting better. Because when he is better there is so much I need him to do for me. I have a honey do list that would stress him out and I won't show it to him until he is 100% better.

KISS is my rule now. I am keeping things I can use or reuse. I am trying to use basic skills to keep things simple. One box at a time. What stays and what goes. Purging things I really don't want or need. I feel good when I can give something to someone who really needs it.
I am trying hard not to cause more work for myself. I am a perfectionist to a degree. I want it to look and be perfect when I want it. This is going to take weeks to get through right now and I am impatient to get it done this very day or minute.

I would love to unpack some of the big bags of cloths and blankets. These I could put away quickly and really feel  a since of accomplishment. Not to mention it will open space up in the mud room for bringing in my dresser. I am going it use it for my art supplies. That would open up a ton of space too once those are organized and put away. Thus killing two birds with one stones through.

However, I must keep up on basic house hold chores as well. Cleaning the little bit I have out right now has become a ritual. Kids help make meal's and clean dishes and put away the food after we eat. They are keeping their rooms cleaned. And the basement clean. I sweep. I need to mop but that is tomorrow's job.  My washer and dryer are not yet hooked up (hopefully tomorrow we had to hire it done due to the fact the washer sits so far away from the drain and fill area. Krik being down is not able to get it hooked up and after three days of me trying to get it up and running, he called an appliance repair shop to come look and see if we can get it up and running.) so laundry is going to be my big push this next weekend.

Once I get the house work caught up I am able to unpack a few boxes and then it is time for me to become Nurse. I must help Krik with a lot still. I love this work. Cole tonight broke his tank for Super Turtle. He cut his finger. I got to play nurse to that as well. The Turtle is just fine I just need to get a new tank now. Kanyon's teacher Ms. Teresa  has red ear slider turtles, She said we can put Super in her tank until I can get another tank. Hopefully this weekend or next week I will be able to find him one for cheap.It was an accident. Cole was cleaning the tank and it slipped and feel. Did not shatter but did break the front of the glass.That is why it is called an accident. It was not on purpose it was something I could have easily done (trust me I am accident prone).

So that has been my week. Moving, Sorting and Nursing. Hopefully going back to work next week we will see though.

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